
Month: May, 2009

Our Newest Additions….

We are pleased to announce our latest additions both hailing from the booming metopolis of Cleveland, Mississippi all the way down to Rosemary Beach Fla:

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Carolyn and Paige

These two girls came in to see us toting their "big girl" resumes, so we were caught a little off-guard and not prepared for a "serious" interview.  We decided that we would now conduct an interview since we already well, hired them!!

So here goes:

Why do you want to work at Willow?

Carolyn: "Because I love the clothes…shopaholic!!"

Paige: "The first time I came in here to shop, y'all were playing Amos Lee, which we had been listening to at the beach.  I wanted the clothes and liked the music, so was instantly sold."

What can you two bring to Willow?

Carolyn: "Well, we come as a team sooooo… double trouble (just kidding). No, we have a lot of friends coming down and know how to sell your fabulous clothes."

Paige: "We're cool and we dress well, and we each have our individual styles."

What is your personal style?

Carolyn: "I like casual and comfy during the day, but love to throw on a cute dress and heels to go out in!"

Paige: "I think I am a little Bohemian inside, I love eclectic pieces like long necklaces and hair pieces. I wear one just about everyday to fight beach hair."

Now that you have been working here a week or so, who is your favorite designer that Willow carries?

Carolyn: "All of them, but if I had to pick one, hmmmm…Tibi."

Paige: "Poleci (of course), but Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent is becoming a favorite as well."

What do you hope to learn at your fun-filled summer at Willow?

Carolyn: "I hope to learn that it is not all about quantity, but quality."

Paige:  "I want to learn new styles that I would not necessarily put together on my own.

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Look at these two already making buddies with one of the infamous local hotspot owners!!!

We are REALLY excited about having you girls here to keep us young! haha

Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!!

 Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday Dear Cindy,
Happy Birthday to you!


Why we love Cindy…
Rachel loves Cindy because, without fail, every Wednesday she eats Fried Chicken from Sunnyside Grill (our local meat & 3) and still manages to look great!


Morgan loves Cindy because she can do the "Roger Rabbit" to Vanilla Ice across her kitchen floor…and then totally deny it the next day! We're still waiting for an encore!

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Celia loves Cindy because, God bless her heart, she makes me listen to ABBA's
Greatest Hits. All the while, singing along truly thinking that she sounds just like Amy Grant!

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Annabelle loves Cindy because she takes her to get her "hair did" and lets her sleep in the bed with her when her momma is gone on one of her crazy trips!

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Paige and Carolyn ("the new girls") love Cindy for not firing them after only working at Willow for 2 days and getting caught on stage at Bud N Alleys singing "Ice Ice Baby". Right, like she would fire them for "that" song! haha
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Barron loves his Ma Ma for eating all that fried chicken too and for washing it down with all that cold cold beer!!! ha ha  Just Kiddin
All kidding aside…
We all love Cindy for her kindness, patience & understanding. She is truly the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We're all better off having her in our lives!
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"W" for Willow!!!!
We love you Cindy!
Hope you have a fabulous birthday!
All of us


Chain Reaction…

So…we saw this little Alice & Olivia number a while back at market and loved it…come on ladies, get in touch with the inner-rocker gal that's in all of us!!

Anyway, we have since then seen a lot of copy-cats (hence the "chain reaction"), but we think this one still steals the show.



Pair it with a boyfriend or rocker jean or so cute with anything white.  Speaking of white, which I have worn everyday for 2 weeks…"she" also comes in white.

I want it in both!!!

Look out Pat Benatar!!!

Go with the flow…

Ok so I've found a new something I can't live without in the morning and decided I needed to share it with all of you!


for more info go here

It is the most yummy thing ever. If you look at the nutritional guide above, you may agree that while it does have some SHUGA, and the dreaded carbs, it has a lot of good. I don't drink very much; just a swig or two. Also so good poured over fruit and granola. It comes in lots of flavors, but blueberry (anti-oxidants) is my fav.



This may look like nothing to you, but I promise, it is the most divine thing you will ever put into your mouth, unless you are not a health-nut eater like me. But you may even be converted to eating healthy after you try my famous concoction.

Celia's famous breakfast:

  • 1/2 cup of multi-grain oatmeal
  • 1 Large dollop of Lebni
  • 1 handful of blueberries
  • 1 handful of sliced strawberries
  • about 10 or so raw almonds
  • drizzle honey (locally harvested is best)


Trust me and try it!!! You may run into a little trouble locating this little treasure. If you live in a small town, such as Rosemary Beach, Fl you probably won't find it. I hit up all my homeys from Birmingham to bring me batches of it when they come visit. If you live there, you can get it at Nabeels Greek Market in Homewood.  There are others out there, but this brand is my favorite. Just look for Keifer Cheese. It is packed full of those now famous pro-biotics that help out so much…to "go with the flow".

One more added bonus….you can do so much with this stuff. You can mix it with roasted red peppers, salsa, make Tzatziki with it, make salad dressing, substitute it for any sour cream, etc etc…

If you are crafty…send me some more ideas of what to do with this stuff!!!

Tea Time with T-Bags…

So we know that EVERYONE knows how cute T-Bags clothing line has been in years past, right???

But maybe like us, you got a little tired of seeing those same ole prints EVERYWHERE!!!

Well, exciting news…T-Bags has a whole new look and we "just died" ("rachel zoe" ;} ) when we saw the spring/summer line at market. So finally it has arrived. We sold tons of it right out of the box as we were opening it!

Check some of the new styles out. They are just trendy enough and oh so comfortable!! Perfect for that Boho-Chic Diva

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Memorial to Fashion…

For Memorial Day 2009, we thought we would share some "memorable" moments in time….from the fashion world that is!!!

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Ahh, the Icons!!!!!!

082907_madonna2_300x400 Madonna


The dress that made fashion tape millions $$$$.


Bond Babe.


From Full House to Full-out Fashion Divas


The hair-cut, the boyfriend jeans, Suri…what is next Kate?

Sjp Julia


The relaxed Rebel.



and some definite don'ts….

Random fun fact….Cindy's hometown of Columbus, Mississippi is where Memorial Day was started!!!  Look out big city girl!

Please send us some of your favorite fashion images!!


Willow Wishlist by Morgan

So…every time I come to work at Willow, I have my little routine. After turning on the lights and setting up shop, I head over to the wall of jeans and organize (refold and straighten) them. (see below)


It's not that they are ever that messy, it's just the OCD in me :). After I am done "oceeing" (my own little term defined as the "act of obssesively organizing," I then head over the browse the racks. Each time I come in there is something new so it's always fun to check out the new loot. While browsing, I pick out a few things to try on. Here are the things that while browsing today, screamed my name…yes, I am dead serious, SCREAMED my name. (That's what I have to tell my husband everytime I come home with a Willow bag..he doesn't believe me!) Ok so here goes..my Willow wishlist for today:

Alice Olivia 352

Alice & Olivia $352

Anlo skinny194 

White Anlo Skinny $194

French connection 

French Connection Dress $188

Hudson kat  

Hudson Kat skinny Bermuda $165

So which one would you pick????

How about one you bloggers buy these things so I am not tempted in the middle of the night…my sweet husband would too!!!!  

signing off for now…..Morgan.




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The “Core” refers to my group of girls from college who were all in attendance at the Coldplay concert. 

          Plane tickets + gas = $700

          Baby-sitters for all they kidz = $250

          Pre-party expenses = $300

          Tickets = $130

          New outfits to lure Chris Martin = $$$$thousands..

          Having ALL of the core together in one place


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The once popular gathering place for us Bama girls during college for concerts such as Widespread Panic.

We call it Oak Mtn, but now it's referred to as

Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre,

but to us it will always be Oak Mtn. to us ole gals!!!!

Leather jackets

The “best outfit” award gone to Heather and Rebecca for their rockin leather jackets.


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For Celia’s way cool rocker ripped up Hudson jeans.

 Just in at Willow

         ….going fast! Get em while you can!

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Parking lot party

      Leave it to us SEC football girls to set up one

          heck of a tailgate,   complete with a picnic table, snacks,   bar and of course, jammin to some Coldplay. 

          We were the last ones to leave, surprise surprise.


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Lovers in Japan

      Just one of our favorite songs…



 Another Coldplay member

Oh yes, there are other band members besides our beloved Chris Martin. Check out Guy Berryman….oh, so so cute too!!




Yummy Chris Martin

We will always be your #1 fan club. You rocked the house and converted every person who was on the fence about Coldplay to true fans!! One of the greatest shows we have ever been to. Chrissy Poo was on his game in Birmingham, Alabama  May 18, 2009!!!!




more pics of core:


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Coldplay Fever!!!!!!!!

Celia's got the fever again! She's headed to Birmingham to see her new crush…

Chris Martin!!!!


How Cute is he?!?!We heart him!

Any given day here at Willow you can find us rockin' or chillin' out to Coldplay! Needless to say we are so jealous of Celia!


What is PII you ask?…

PII (P2) is a division of Poleci that is more affordable and casual…"chic lounge wear" so to speak!

We are so in love with this line! Shall we count the ways?

  1. It's perfect for running around town…let's say a casual lunch with the girls
  2. There are some really great layering pieces
  3. The line has no boundaries…flattering for any girl, no matter the age or size
  4. It's so comfy, you feel like you're wearing your favorite pair of PJ's!






Happy Friday Ladies!!!